What I Am Reading

What I Am Reading2023-02-28T21:59:35+00:00

We all have a memoir story to tell. The authors who appeal to me share life experiences that have been different from my own. Their stories help me to understand the ways in which we are different and yet the same.

In my monthly blog, I would like to share with you the books I have enjoyed.

Since I explore the theme of identity in my own writing, the books I will be reviewing address this topic from different vantage points.
As a longtime fan of book clubs, I have also added discussion questions that highlight issues related to identity and self-exploration.

Let me know what you think.

I would love to hear what you think of these recommendations. Tell me as well the books you have read that explore similar themes,
By signing up for my monthly newsletter, you will receive updates on my progress toward getting my memoir published as well as my latest book recommendations.

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Are you part of a Book Club? Let me know what you think about the books I am recommending.

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